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Gaudeamus Alko Tour 2023

Gaudeamus Alko Tour 2023
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Do you know what it is like to be part of one of the most famous and annually sold-out alcoholic duels between Prague universities? It is safe to say that it is legendary!

This year's 13th edition of the Gaudeamus Alko Tour, which after four years returned under one roof in Letňany, did not disappoint again! It welcomed students from several Prague universities to celebrate the start of the new semester, friendship, and most importantly return of this long-awaited event.

And what could the guests look forward to? In addition to the exciting experience of this unforgettable party, there were numerous attractions. For example, there was a giant festival stage, 8 large bars, legendary beer pong or our sexy Hot Peppers hostesses and dancers who brought the right amount of excitement to the event. So, the competition for a title that universities could win for the highest number of drinks consumed has never been easier. Because who doesn't enjoy a drink better than from our gorgeous hostess?

For more demanding attendees, there was also a special VIP Hot Peppers zone, where guests could use their own entrance, a manned bar or reserved standing right next to the stage!

The whole venue was pulsating with hot energy, special effects, and most of all a huge number of guests who enjoyed the fun to the fullest. We would like to thank everyone for the great turnout and look forward to more great events!




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